Conventional Memories

This page is part of my Toshiba E.M.I.S. archive project, to learn more please visit the project page, Some of the files from the Toshiba BBS referenced here can also be found there.



Technical Manual Set

TEG's TM-Set consist of the Technical Companion, Technical Reference M., Maintenance M., Gate Array M. and Parts Catalog. It can be ordered at TEG's Part Center with the 'M10xxx' number

Product P/N | Product P/N

DS II M10120 | T2400CS M10330*

DS III M10120 | T2400CT M10330*

DSIV+ M10260 | T3100 N/A

T1000 N/A | T3100e N/A

T1000LE M10100 | T3100SX M10020

T1000SE M10010 | T3200 N/A

T1000XE M10030 | T3200SX M10060

T100X M10220 | T3200SXC M10110

T1100 N/A | T3300SL M10160

T1100+ N/A | T3400 M10290

T1200 N/A | T3400CT M10290

T1200XE M10040 | T3600CT M10290

T1500 N/A | T3500 N/A

T1600 M10080 | T4400C M10190

T1800 M10200 | T4400SX M10170

T1850 M10200 | T4400SXC M10190

T1850C M10200 | T4500/T4500C M10210

T1900 M10240 | T4600/T4600C M10230

T1910 M10300 | T4700CT M10280

T1950 M10270 | T4800CT M10320

T1950CS M10270 | T4850CT *

T1950CT M10270 | T4900CT *

T200/T200CS M10310 | T5100 N/A

T2000 M10130 | T5200 M10070

T2000SX M10090 | T6400 M10180

T2000SXe M10140 | T6600 M10250

T2100 N/A | T8500 N/A

T2200SX M10150 |

* = not yet on stock

N/A = not available