Floppy Disk Controller(FDC)
.The Floppy Disk Controller(FDC) is contained in the Super I/O on the system board. The VFO function is also contained in the Super I/O. The Floppy Disk interface supports the following kinds of FDD.
Internal 3.5" FDD (1.44MB/720KB formatted)
.The FDD media sensor function is supported by FDC. The media type signal from the internal 3.5" FDD is received by the KBC. The system BIOS recognizes the type of FDD through the KBC to prevent a wrong formatting of the floppy disk.
.Only one FDD can be used (either in the Multibox of system unit, in the Multibox of DS8 or with external FDD port). The priority of each drive is as follows:
Drive to be used in systems M-boxin DS8s M-boxExternal FDD
M-box in the systemYes
M-box in DS8Should be NoYes
External FDDShould be NoShould be NoYes
*If there are more than one FDD, the priority is Multibox in the system unit, Multibox in DS8 and FDD port.