Conventional Memories

This page is part of my Toshiba E.M.I.S. archive project, to learn more please visit the project page, Some of the files from the Toshiba BBS referenced here can also be found there.



Western Digital VGA Display Controller (WD90C24A2 or WD90C24A Step-C)

Supported display modes (through the Video BIOS), as follows:

Mode Type Resol font LCD colors CRT colors Address Vs Hs
0, 1 Text 40x25 8x8 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
2, 3 Text 80x25 8x8 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
0*, 1* Text 40x25 8x14 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
2*, 3* Text 80x25 8x14 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
0+, 1+ Text 40x25 8(9)x16 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
2+, 3+ Text 80x25 8(9)x16 16/256K 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
4, 5 Grph 320x200 8x8 4/256K 4/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
6 Grph 640x200 8x8 2/256K 2/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
7 Text 80x25 8(9)x14 Mono Mono B0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
7+ Text 80x25 8(9)x16 Mono Mono B0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
D Grph 320x200 8x8 16/256K 16/256K A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
E Grph 640x200 8x8 16/256K 16/256K A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
F Grph 640x350 8x14 Mono Mono A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
10 Grph 640x350 8x14 16/256K 16/256K A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
11 Grph 640x480 8x16 2/256K 2/256K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz
12 Grph 640x480 8x16 16/256K 16/256K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz
13 Grph 320x200 8x8 256/256K 256/256K A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
74 Grph 640x400 8x16 2/256K 2/256K B8000 60Hz 31.5kHz
58 Grph 800x600 8x8 N/A 16/256K A0000 56Hz 31.5kHz
5C Grph 800x600 8x8 N/A 256/256K A0000 56Hz 31.5kHz
5D Grph 1024x768 8x16 N/A 16/256K A0000 60Hz 35.6kHz
5E Grph 640x400 8x16 256/256K 256/256K A0000 70Hz 31.5kHz
5F Grph 640x480 8x16 256/256K 256/256K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz
60 Grph 1024x768 8x16 N/A 256/256K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz
21 Text 132x44 9x9 N/A 16/256K B8000 67Hz 31.5kHz
41 Text 80x34 9x14 N/A 16/256K B8000 60Hz 31.5kHz
54 Text 132x43 9x9 N/A 16/256K B8000 68Hz 31.5kHz
55 Text 132x25 8x16 N/A 16/256K B8000 68Hz 31.5kHz
67 Text 80x43 8x8 N/A 16/256K B8000 70Hz 31.5kHz
69 Text 132x50 8x8 N/A 16/256K B8000 68Hz 31.5kHz
62 Grph 640x480 8x16 32K/32K 32K/32K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz
72 Grph 640x480 8x16 64K/64K 64K/64K A0000 60Hz 31.5kHz


- SVGA modes (@ 640x480 resolution: 5E, 5F, 62(32K color) & 72(64K color))

are supported with not only the internal LCD but also the external CRT.

Any other SVGA modes (@> 640x480 resolution) are supported with the

external CRT only.

- Non interlace mode is supported @ 1,024x768 resolution with the

external CRT.

- SVGA modes are not supported when Power On Display is set to Simultaneous.

- If using either mode 62(32K color) or 72(64K color), PC Magazine Graphic

WinMark benchmark performance is approximately 80% slower than using mode

5F(256 color).

- SVGA modes are supported with Windows* for WorkGroups V3.11 only, using a

special video driver. See "11-3. Special Utilities & Drivers".

- The WD90C24A2 chip supports “Stretch.exe”, while the WD90C24A Step-C chip

doesn’t due to its specification.

- Simultaneous display function: Supported

- Graphic accelerator function : BiTBLT, LINEdraw & H/W Cursor are supported,

which require a special video driver

- Local bus: VL-bus supported