Conventional Memories

This page is part of my Toshiba E.M.I.S. archive project, to learn more please visit the project page, Some of the files from the Toshiba BBS referenced here can also be found there.



How to access the Toshiba Europa BBS

Call +49 (0) 941 7807 999

Source: TEG E&S, SW

Modem settings: 8 bit, 1 stop bit and No parity.

Telephone Number: +49 (0)941 7807 999

SysOp: +49 (0)941 7807 881 (Larry Hillebrand)

Co-SysOp: +49 (0)941 7807 883 (Henrik Stock)

Pre-registration is not required, user can register on their first login.

However, the security level will not permit them to upload anything until the BBS System operator upgrades their security level. Their security level will be determine by the information they provide at registration time.

The system is menu driven and is fairly self explanatory. The most commonly used function on a BBS is file transfer. Uploading is the process of transfering file from the remote PC to the Host and downloading is the opposite.

Select the file menu from the main menu screen:-

To upload a file

1) Type 'F' for File menu

2) Select 'U' for upload

3) Enter the file name to be uploaded, eg TEST.DOC

4) Enter the number of the file area you wish to upload to. If you

are not sure, select 'L' for list to display the possible area(s).

5) You can password protect the file at this point or simply press

the ENTER key

6) You will be asked for a description for the file, please enter this.

7) Next you will be asked for some keywords, these are optional

but aids faster search.

8) Further detail description can be entered at this point again

it is optional.

9) Starts the transfer from your communication software.

To download a file. (Direct Method)

1) Select 'F' for File menu

2) Type 'D' for download

3) Enter the name of the file you want to download

4) You will be given an option to logout after the transfer,

answer Y or N

5) Starts the transfer from your communication software

To download a file. (List file Method)

1) Select 'F' for file menu

2) Type 'L' for List files

3) Select file area you wish to list,

if you are not sure select 'L' for list to display all

possible area(s). Select the file area. The files will be listed

with a number associated with it on the left hand side,

4) Select 'M' for Mark and enter the associated number.

5) To continue with your selection(s) repeat from 4)

6) When you have finished select 'D' for download. Choose from

the following options

1) Download - Start the download the marked files

2) Add - add more selection to your marked list

3) Goodbye - start download and logout after download

4) Edit - change you list

5) Stop - abort the download

7) Start the transfer from your communication software.

Wolfgang Sessler