Third Party Joysticks, Gameports & Keyboard Products (9204)
Joysticks and Gameports / Keyboard Products
Third Party Vendors Disclaimer
Many of the hardware products listed in the following section are considered personal computer peripheral equipment by the Federal Communications Commission and may require certification by the FCC as meeting the Class B radio frequency emission limitations of Part 15 of the FCC Rules designed to reduce interference to radio communications which includes TV reception. Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. makes no representations as to the radio and TV Interference potential of any of the products listed in this guide or whether these devices have been certified by the FCC. Before buying hardware products listed in this guide, you should ask the seller whether certification is required and has been granted by the FCC.
This list in no way constitutes endorsement of any particular product, for any particular purpose, by Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., nor does it imply that Toshiba has tested all of these third party products in all of its computer models. The limited warranty, included with the purchase of a Toshiba portable computer product, does not include service to repair damage from modifications to the product not approved in writing by Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. For further details regarding warranty coverage, consult the warranty agreement or CSD Technical Service at 1-800-999-4273.