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Summary: MS Windows NT 3.xx Hardware Compatibility Test Results
Date: September 29, 1995
Product: As listed
Problem / Issue: Compatibility
Additional Information: None


The following table describes the system requirements for Windows NT Workstation.

Category Requirement
Hardware 32-bit x86-based microprocessor (such as Intel 80386/25 or higher), or Intel Pentium.

VGA, or higher resolution, video display adapter. 75MB minimum hard disk space on one partition. 1.44MB 3.5" floppy disk drive.

Memory 12MB RAM minimum for x86-based systems; 16MB recommended
Optional Mouse or other pointing device. Components One or more SCSI CD-ROM drives.

One or more network adapter card, if you want to use Windows NY workstation with a network.

The following table describes the system requirements for Windows NT Server.

Category Requirement
Hardware 32-bit x86-based microprocessor (such as Intel 80386/25 or higher), or Intel Pentium.

VGA, or higher resolution, video display adapter. 90MB minimum hard disk space on one partition. 1.44MB 3.5" floppy disk drive.

Memory 16MB RAM minimum for x86-based systems
Optional Mouse or other pointing device.
Components One or more SCSI CD-ROM drives.

One or more network adapter card, if you want to use Windows NY workstation with a network.