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PC Card Technical Note (98507)

Summary: PCMCIA Noteworthy (IBM) Ethernet Novell Requestor for OS/2 2.1
Date: October 25, 1995
Product: NW (IBM) PCMCIA Ethernet Card
Problem / Issue: Compatibility & Installation
Additional Information: None

The Toshiba NoteWorthy Ethernet card has been tested successfully with OS/2 2.11 and Novell's Netware Requester 2.1. Testing was performed on a T4600C (BIOS 1.30) and T4700CT (BIOS 2.30).


- OS2T45.ZIP (Toshiba Socket Services)

- ETENG201.EXE (IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter Disk - ver 2.01)

- Netware Requester (Available from CompuServe - GO NOVFILES - Testing was done with ver 2.1)


1.) Install OS/2 2.1x with PCMCIA support using disks or CD-ROM.

To be sure that PCMCIA support is installed, be sure that the following two lines are present in the CONFIG.SYS file :



** Be sure that there IS NOT a 'REM' statement in front of these lines.

2.) Install Toshiba Socket Services -

A) Create a directory on OS2 drive called TOSHIBA (MD C:\TOSHIBA).

The OS2T45.ZIP file contains the following files :

IBM2TOS1 SYS 11,264 01-14-94 2:12p (Socket Services)

ICRMU01 SYS 5,974 12-07-93 2:34p (Resource Map Utility)

PCMCIA SYS 34,903 01-31-94 1:04a (Updated Card Services)

LICENSE TXT 5,411 04-18-94 10:11a (License Text File)

README TXT 10,737 04-18-94 10:12a (README file)

B) Copy the IBM2TOS1.SYS and ICRMU01.SYS files to the \TOSHIBA subdirectory.

C) If the PCMCIA.SYS file (located in \OS2 subdirectory) is older than 1-31-94, replace it with the PCMCIA.SYS file included with OS2T45.ZIP.

D) Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add the follwing lines to the END of the file :



E) Save the CONFIG.SYS file, shutdown OS/2 and reboot the system.

3.) Install Novell Requester for OS/2 -

A) You should have 6 disks :

o Netware Requester Disks

- WSOS2_1 (Disk 1)

- WSOS2_2 (Disk 2)

- WSDRV_1 (Disk 3)

- OS2UTIL_1 (Disk 4)

- OS2DOC_1 (Disk 5)

o IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter Disk (Disk 6)

B) Place Netware Requester disk 1 (WSOS2_1) in drive A:, open an OS2 window,

change drive to A:, type 'INSTALL' <enter>.

C) You should see the "NetWare Workstation for OS/2


Utility" screen.

Select "Installation", then "Requester on workstation".

D) Choose 'OK' for default directory (C:\NETWARE)

E) Choose "Edit CONFIG.SYS and Copy All Files.."

F) Type in driver name "PCMDMCS.SYS".

G) Choose "IPX Support for DOS and Windows - ON"

Choose "Global NetWare Shell Support"

H) Choose "Save"

I) Choose "No"

J) Choose "OK"

K) Choose optional protocols if needed, then "Save"

L) Choose "OK" to save file as "C:\CONFIG.SYS"

M) Choose "Choose only the default driver", then "OK"

N) Insert the "IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter" diskette in drive A:, choose "OK".

(It will copy the PCMDMCS.SYS driver)

O) Choose "Copy".

P) Insert "WSOS2_1" (disk 1), choose "OK".

Q) Insert "WSOS2_2" (disk 2), choose "OK".

R) Insert "OS2UTIL_1" (disk 4) choose "OK".

S) Insert "OS2DOC_1" (disk5) choose "OK".

T) Exit "NetWare Workstation for OS/2 Installation Utility"


4.) Install IBM Ethernet Novell OS/2 PCMCIA enablers

A) Insert the "IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter" diskette in drive A:

B) Change drive to A:

C) Type "INSTALL" <enter>

D) Choose "OK"

E) Enter drive where CONFIG.SYS file is located (default is C:), choose "OK"

F) Select "Novell NetWare", choose "OK"

G) Check configuration options, be sure "Ethernet Frame Type" is set correctly

(802.2 for NetWare 4.0, 802.3 for NetWare 3.11". Choose "Install"

H) Choose "OK"

I) Choose "OK"

J) Choose "OK"

K) Choose "Exit"

5.) Edit CONFIG.SYS file

A) Change to drive C: and edit the CONFIG.SYS file

B) Be sure that the Toshiba Socket Service driver and Resource Utility

driver are at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file.

C) Save changes in CONFIG.SYS, shutdown OS/2 and reboot.